a thousand incommensurate worlds 17-06-2020
about 12-01-2023
annotation 15-09-2019
auto rickshaw 25-08-2018
base 27-02-2021
beverages 08-05-2021
biking 19-09-2019
bricolage 26-06-2020
chasmic 22-09-2019
color in film 16-03-2019
community network project 23-07-2019
computer rituals 17-06-2020
computers and gods 11-02-2022
craft 17-06-2020
creating is relating 03-03-2021
daerim dong 28-01-2018
dansk 18-04-2021
deep work 02-05-2019
documenting 17-06-2020
english 28-01-2018
end of year reflection 2019 04-01-2020
essays 08-05-2021
fermentation 04-04-2020
fletværk julehjerte julekalender 25-12-2022
foraging 09-10-2020
fraktur 20-12-2018
from career to practice 17-06-2020
games 12-01-2023
git for filmmakers 29-08-2019
historiography 08-11-2018
index 14-03-2021
intermediate representations 08-03-2020
jonathan 13-06-2020
kiron 02-08-2018
language 18-04-2021
last harvest 48h 12-01-2023
library 01-09-2019
lifestyle 10-06-2020
links 05-03-2022
loooading 12-01-2023
manifestations 17-06-2020
mediums 17-06-2020
meta 28-01-2018
midi plotter 06-08-2020
modersmål 18-04-2021
mother 01-10-2014
motion 28-01-2018
now 15-05-2021
org-mode 22-09-2019
paper weaving 22-03-2022
passing away 01-04-2015
photos 24-06-2021
pointers 08-03-2020
portable printing 12-04-2019
portable typewriter 20-12-2018
practice 17-06-2020
quotes 28-07-2019
research 17-06-2020
resevoir 17-06-2020
sailboat as gaze 17-09-2020
sailing 09-10-2020
scale game 25-02-2022
selfcare checklist 08-02-2021
more participatory citizen science 08-08-2018
settlement 31-03-2021
a static represention of time-based media 02-11-2018
slitscan video 08-01-2018
space 27-09-2019
sprouts from spoils 19-01-2022
stillness 28-01-2018
studies 28-05-2019
targets 04-01-2020
text 05-08-2019
the energy show 22-11-2022
time-based media 17-06-2020
to a beginning 27-06-2021
tools 17-06-2020
trails 02-05-2019
urgency 02-08-2019
veins I 01-01-2015
veins II 02-01-2015
visiweave 16-04-2020
webring 20-08-2019
welcome 01-03-2022
writing drawings 08-11-2019
year in books 2019 04-01-2020